Video/Tele-Medicine Consultations Available.

Video/Tele-Medicine Consultations are now available for your Medical Cannabis Certification, during this time of social distancing, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Please call the practice, and we will walk you through the few quick steps needed for you to get your consultation done remotely.

While in-person consultations, especially for new patients, remains our preferred way of medical practice, we recognize the challenges that this can sometimes pose, especially in the present time.

It is important now more than ever during this pandemic, that you maintain a state of good health, and manage your stress levels as best as possible. Wash your hands often, especially whenever you have been outside, or have handled goods from outside; try to avoid putting your fingers in your mouth and eyes; avoid crowded places; wear a face mask when outdoors (it helps to reduce flu transmission); take Vitamins B, C and D in addition to eating a balanced diet.

Please call 703-597-4804 with any questions, or to schedule an appointment. Stay safe.

Chinwe John