Introducing PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma): Healing your Injury the Natural way with PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) for Orthopedic conditions

In keeping with this practice’s philosophy of treating the Root Cause of illness, we will now be offering PRP therapy for a range of conditions.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy? This is a treatment where the healing cells in your own blood (Platelets) are concentrated, and then injected into damaged joints, tendons, ligaments or soft tissue, to repair and regenerate the damaged area in your body.

What conditions can Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treat? Some of the many conditions include:

Knee pain due to ligament injury, tendon injury or arthritis

Shoulder pain due to Rotator Cuff tendonitis, Arthritis of the shoulder

Elbow pain due to tendonitis (tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow)

Muscle strain and Trigger points

Neck and Low back pain

Why choose PRP therapy? PRP therapy is a natural way to heal your injury (in appropriate cases), it does not involve harsh chemicals or surgery. PRP does more than offer relief from pain, it works by actually promoting repair and regeneration. It causes less side effects when compared to steroid injections or surgery.

How is PRP therapy done? Prior to your treatment,  you will have a consultation to ensure you are an appropriate candidate for a PRP injection. On the day of your treatment, your blood will be collected and spun using an FDA cleared PRP device. The plasma which is rich in platelets is collected, and injected into the injured area. The entire procedure will typically take approximately 1 hour.

Please call the practice at 703-597-4804 to find out if you could benefit from PRP therapy, and heal the natural way.